Information on the website:

Subject: Popular site on the subject of springtails.


Creator and owner of the site : Philippe Garcelon.

Head of publications : Philippe Garcelon.

Webmasters : Philippe & Jérémie Garcelon.

Website hosting : OVH - 2 rue kellermann BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 - France
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The entire content of (articles, photos and other illustrations) is protected by international copyright and intellectual property laws. For any total or partial reproduction of the content of this site, you must contact me through my email link.

Certain images reproduced on this site are subject to © rights. I have endeavored to mention these, whenever possible. However, in order not to harm any potential holders of these rights who may manifest themselves, I undertake to withdraw as soon as possible, and on simple request, any illustration which the author deems to be detrimental to him. 

Use :
The content of the site is offered for information purposes and does not engage in any way the responsibility of the author in case of misinterpretation, omission or proven error.
The external links mentioned on this site can not in any way commit the author relative to their contents which can evolve or become erroneous.

Contribution :
You wish to propose content or have noted inaccuracies so do not hesitate to contact me, I will strive to answer you as soon as possible.

English version:
The English version of this site was made by me with the help of "Google translation" and the translation software developed by Microsoft ( If you have an anomaly or incorrect translation, please contact me so that I can make the correct fixes.


"Springtails" © Philippe Garcelon -2023.